Estelle shaping the future


•   Estelle Cox is a local representative of the Premier’s Youth Advisory Council.

By Daisy Baker,
March 23, 2022

Winnaleah District High School’s Estelle Cox has been selected to represent local youth as a member of the Premier’s Youth Advisory Council.

The grade nine student is one of 24 12-26 year olds across the state who have been selected to weigh in on the issues affecting young Tasmanians.

Members have an opportunity to meet with the Premier and the Minster for Children and Youth three times throughout the year to discuss their ideas on how to make Tasmania a better place.

Along the way, Council members are offered opportunities to be involved in consultation and implementation of Government policies and strategies. 

The first meeting was held on Saturday in Hobart, which Estelle attended virtually. 

At their first meeting they divided into two groups, the younger cohort discussing youth wellbeing and the older participants focussing on mental health.

They also touched on improving literacy rates.

There will be two more meetings throughout the year planned for Launceston, both of which the youth representatives will set the agendas for.

Estelle said she wanted to participate in the Premier’s Youth Advisory Council as a means of becoming more involved in the Tasmanian community.

“I want my voice to be heard and I want the problems to be solved,” she said. 

Estelle said she is most passionate about environmental issues and the impact they have on future generations.

“The future of Tasmania’s environment, littering, pollution and logging must get under control or there won’t be a future for future generations.”

As for her vision for Tasmania’s future, she hopes it continues to be a “beautiful, bushy place that people want to visit or stay in”.

Dorset Community House promoted the opportunity and when Estelle was interested, they supported her through the application process.

Since her selection, they’re helping provide transport so Estelle can attend meetings or assisting her to access Wi-Fi to attend meetings virtually, because she doesn’t have internet
at home.

Dorset Community House coordinator Naomi Buster said when they found out Estelle had been successful in her selection, she was excited for what this meant for young people in the area.

“The needs of our really remote young people are really different so this is a great chance to have their needs represented and have their voice heard,” she said.

“Estelle is a really special young woman, very thoughtful and considered and always fulfils what she says she will do. She’s one of those quiet leaders and quite a good artist as well.”

“I really hope that this will inspire other young people in Dorset to realise what they can actually do and if they’ve got a passion of their own, that they see what Estelle is doing and they’re encouraged to take action.”

Estelle has made a one-year commitment as a member of the Youth Advisory Council and will have the opportunity to continue into a second year if she chooses or nominate another student.