Damage angers club members

• Golf club volunteer David Glover stats the task of repairing a damaged fairway.

• Golf club volunteer David Glover stats the task of repairing a damaged fairway.

By Tony Scott,
June 09, 2021

Members of the Bridport Golf Club have been dismayed and angered at the actions of some vandals who drove on the course’s fairways leaving deep ruts and torn turf.

The club president Dale Edmunds said the damage was done overnight last Friday, leaving those members who arrived to play on Saturday devastated.

“Our retired, hard-working volunteers didn't need this to add to their workload.

“We presume they had a heavy vehicle with wide tyres, they probably needed a four-wheel drive to get over the drains.”

The uneven surface slows, stops or changes course of golf balls being driven down the fairways.

The onset of colder weather means the marks will take longer to repair, as any grass repairs will not take effect till the flush of growth in spring.

Mr Edmunds said the club might have to consider more expense to erect fencing to exclude vehicles from the course.